DTI News

January 14, 2025
English हिन्दी

Bihar: Tea Shopkeeper Dies on the Spot Due to Gas Cylinder Explosion in Jehanabad

Jehanabad Gas Cylinder Explosion: A tragic incident occurred on Friday night (March 24) in Ova village of Makhdumpur police station area, Jehanabad, Bihar. A tea shopkeeper named Naresh Ram was making tea on the banks of NH-83 when the gas cylinder kept in the shop caught fire, causing a huge blast. The shopkeeper was caught under the grip and died on the spot.

According to reports, Naresh Ram was making tea when gas started leaking from the cylinder, which quickly turned into a fire. The customers who were present in the shop ran away from the site to save their lives. Naresh Ram could not escape and was hit by the blast, leading to his death on the spot.

After the incident, the villagers immediately dialed 112 and informed the police about the explosion of the gas cylinder. Police reached the spot and a crowd also gathered. The police sent the body to Sadar Hospital for postmortem. The relatives of the deceased were outraged after the incident.

Makhdumpur police station chief Ravi Bhushan reported that the police had reached the spot after getting the information about the gas cylinder blast in the tea shop. It was prima facie determined that the shopkeeper’s death was due to gas leaking and then explosion of the cylinder. Further investigation is ongoing. The gas cylinder in question was a 14.5 kg domestic cylinder.

This tragic incident highlights the need for people to take extra care while handling gas cylinders. It is important to follow safety measures while cooking, and regular checks and maintenance of gas cylinders should be conducted to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

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