PATNA: On Thursday morning, a hardware shopkeeper was shot dead in the Vijayanagar area of Rupaspur police station in Danapur, Patna. The businessman, identified as 50-year-old Ranjan Kumar, was sitting near his shop when two criminals on a motorcycle fired several bullets at him, killing him on the spot. The incident has caused a sensation in the entire area, and the police are calling it a case of mutual old enmity.
According to the report, after receiving the information, the police of Rupaspur police station reached the spot and sent the deceased’s body to Danapur sub-division hospital for post-mortem. They also started scanning nearby CCTV cameras for any leads. According to Rupaspur police station in-charge Akhilesh Kumar, Ranjan Kumar was a businessman dealing in cement, sand, and hardware. He further stated that old enmity may be the reason for the incident and that the police are interrogating people around to investigate the matter.
The incident has caused chaos among the family members, who informed the Rupaspur police station. The police are currently investigating the case and looking for any potential suspects involved in the crime.