Patna: The paper has been leaked once again in Bihar on Friday. Students claim that the paper of Secretariat Assistant organized by the Bihar Staff Selection Commission was being conducted in which the BSSC paper leaked prior to the exam. The students alleged that the question paper was circulated on WhatsApp.
According to the report, Education Minister Prof. Chandrasekhar said that there will be an inquiry in this matter, if the paper is leaked then the exam can be cancelled.
As per the exam calendar, the Bihar Staff Selection Commission was scheduled to conduct the Competitive Graduate Level (CGL 2022) exam on December 23(today) and 24, 2022. The BSSC recruitment drive was being conducted to fill up a total of 2187 vacancies.
The exam is over on Friday. The matter of paper leak came to light around 11 am in the run up to the exam. After the examination, it was found that questions were asked from the leaked paper. Students say that every exam paper gets leaked here. This should be investigated.
However, more than 9 lakh candidates are appearing in the BSSC third graduate examination. The paper went out as soon as the first shift started. This vacancy has come after 2014. As of now, the officials have not made any confirmation regarding the question paper. Even before this, the paper of 67th PT exam of BPSAC was leaked. Due to this the exam had to be cancelled.
— sushil (@sushil97400376) December 23, 2022
How BSSC CGL question come out during the exam even all the electronic devices is completely ban for everyone in the exam centre#Kab sudhroge BSSC
माननीय कुर्सी कुमार जी आप उम्मीद पर खरे उतरे @NitishKumar @pappuyadavjapl @pushpampc13 @pappuyadavjapl #BSSC #BIHARSSC#BSSCPAPERLEAK#BSSC_CGL #BSSC_SCAM
— झा (@souravjha7633) December 23, 2022
एक और पेपर leak.
— प्रशांत कमल (@prashant_kamal1) December 23, 2022
BSSC CGL PT का भी प्रश्नपत्र हुआ आउट। क्या बिना गड़बड़ी धांधली के परीक्षा कराने में सरकारें अक्षम हैं? मेरा मानना है यह सिर्फ अक्षमता नहीं बल्कि नेता मंत्री ही लीक करवाते हैं।
आखिर कब तक नेताओं के इस बेईमानी और नकारेपन का फल छात्रों को भुगतना पड़ेगा?